Our Money Destroyed and Things CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC & Big Tech Won’t Tell You

It’s so sad that our Media has become the mouthpiece for the Global Green Socialist Crime Syndicate.. This war of information that we’ve been involved in is all brought to you by criminals the world over who want power. They want power over you.

As Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has said many times, you the citizens of each country will one day own nothing, and be happy. Might be interesting to ask this tyrant who’ll own all that stuff the citizens won’t own? Well, are you happy not owning, but renting a car? Have you seen the new 8 year car loans?

When you have to pull out more paper dollars now than you did last year for the very same product, are you happy? Inflation will continue as long as Americans vote for the UniParty. The RepubliCrat Party. They are in it together.  They want you to think they have answers, when in fact, they are the problem. They are the ones destroying the value of your savings. Thank God we do have Conservative Republicans out there.

Americans and the rest of the free people of the world are under stress because of the Federal Reserve Bank. The FED. This private corporation works in tandem with our big spending politicians. When the politician borrows to cover deficit spending, where does that borrowed money come from? It comes from nowhere. The FED creates the money out of thin air. Oh, and don’t forget what collateral for the borrowing is put up.  It’s you. YOU are the collateral. The American citizen is a slave to The Federal Reserve Bank.

Do you have an open ended credit card? I don’t. But the big spending politicians do. The FED is that no limit credit card. Your world collapses as they continue to print money.  You can’t counterfeit the money, but that’s exactly what the FED does. And the American citizen has to pay off the debt.  I ask you a question to ponder. Why is there even a need for a Central Bank? It’s not in the Constitution.

Now, there is lots going on out there that’s never going to be seen by those who watch the Mainstream Media. There’s a lot of positive things happening. Things that mean Patriots are fighting. We’re getting rid of the tyranny day by day. It’s all about more freedom and liberty to each of us. Either we strive to be a Democratic Republic with a Constitution protecting each one of us to live our lives as we wish, or we slide into Mob Rule Democracy, where there is no protection for the minority voter. Do you notice how many politicians call America a democracy? They want Mob Rule. They want the minority to be forced to go along.

So a gentleman who goes by the name DC Drano had this to say. I thought you might like to read it… Patriots are winning..

Quote:  “Things seem dreary, but lets look at our recent wins: 1) Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House 2) Kevin McCarthy is no longer Speaker of the House 3) We have free speech again on the biggest political public square (X) 4) Federal Appeals Court has blocked Federal agencies from coordinating censorship with Big Tech 5) The Trump indictments have completely backfired and he’s leading everyone in almost every poll 6) Republicans have highest polling support as a party in 3+ decades 7) NY Gov and Mayor calling for an end to illegal alien invasion 8) Joe Biden is going to start rebuilding the Wall 9) Ukraine funding is all but dead 10) Roe v. Wade overturned 11) Affirmative action is illegal 12) SCOTUS confirmed right to carry conceal 13) Election reform being passed in dozens of states 14) Mitch McConnell is running out of runway 15) BLM has been exposed as a scam and Democrat mayors are finally calling to hire more police It’s a long, ugly fight to take back America, but we are making HUGE progress. “

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