The Scary Part of the Judge Kavanaugh Situation

OK, I just thought I’d throw my 2¢ in on the Judge Kavanagh deal.  There is only one outcome that makes sense.  If we as Americans no longer have due process, where now if we’re accused of anything, we’re guilty first and must prove we’re not guilty, our country is gone. Our Constitution gives us the presumption of innocence. It is a most important aspect to the fabric of our very lives.  That idea that we are guilty first is very, very disconcerting to me.

I am ashamed of Progressive Socialist Democrats, (PSD) , for actually using this destruction of our way of life to stop a judge from being confirmed. They don’t care what they’re doing?  No they don’t. We know what they are after. They want a world government that they’re in charge of, and absolutely they would ignore a country’s sovereignty to get it. Every time.  Paris Climate Agreement would circumvent our sovereignty and would have put us under the boot of some other governing body. Yep. One world socialism.

An independent Supreme Court populated by judges who believe in our Constitution is the worst thing that could happen. The PSD want judges who make law, not interpret law.  Kavanaugh and others on the bench respect precedent, and believe interpreting the Constitution as written is the basis for our way of life.

Judge Kavanaugh, like every American, is innocent until proven guilty. What is sad is the length the Progressive Socialist Democrat, is willing to go to stop the Judge’s confirmation.  They ignore our Constitution. The Progressive Socialist Democrat (PSD) actually thinks the Supreme Court is their own little club that they should control to further their plans for their Socialist/Communist America.

If you vote for Democrats, you too are in support of Socialism. Do you really think your neighbor should be able to force you to pay for things they want? This is not the American way, and Americans are beginning to stand up to defend their ideals.

I think the PSD is on the verge of becoming the next member of the Fringe Party Of The Left.. Americans are viewing firsthand the tyrants demanding they govern. Look at the fools shouting at politicians in the hall way. Look at the fools yelling at politicians eating dinner.  Look at the hate as they smash windows on college campuses, stopping conservative voices from offering a better path forward for all Americans, not just the chosen socialist.  Can you believe young Americans of African descent want ‘safe places’ on campus where only the can go?  They don’t even see they want segregation back. So much for the entire Civil Rights Movement I guess.

Students have been indoctrinated by years of government schooling. These people, they aren’t Americans.  What they don’t see is that they will soon be able to attend the same BBQs as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the Charter Members of the Fringe Party Of The Left. They are socialist scum and I hope for all damage they do, they are brought to justice to pay. Yes to pay for every bit of that hate.

So this SCOTUS situation is something the PSD fear. And why? Because the court will respect and interpret our Constitution. The court will NOT be a pet of the tyrant and they know it. They see that America is waking up to the hate they are seeing these fools spew, and they are understanding that Republicans & Conservative/Libertarianism is the answer to their dream. The American Dream.

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